Tuesday 8 July 2014

What is a music video?- Miss Miller

What is a music video?

An artist might create a music video to appeal to a greater part of their target audience and to help create and image and define the type of music that they play.
The purpose of the music video “californication” by the “red hot chilly peppers” is to attract a younger target audience to their genre of music. This can be seen as the video looks like a game throughout; a specific example of this is at the beginning where the band is introduced as video game characters. This will appeal to this audience as younger people are into gaming and may encourage people to listen to the song while they play video games. This can be seen through the use of cinematography as a long shot is used to show off to the audience that the bands are characters in a video game and that they have different strengths and characteristics. This type of video is not conventional to the genre of music, as games are not commonly used to represent a band; here they have broken this convention so that they can appeal to a younger audience.

·      What is the style of the music video?

This video is a mix between a performance and a narrative style, the performance part can be seen at points throughout the video an example would be where the video game character is swimming and changes to the band performing when this character punches a shark. An example of where the narrative side is used would be the video game character skate boarding on a bridge, many long shots are used to show off this video game narrative. The purpose of this is to make the video fun and interesting possibly to show the band in a different light. The performance and the narrative based video is also used as it can appeal to two different target audiences, a younger audience that will like the video game narrative and enjoy the bands fun side, and a slightly older audience that will see the bands performance and will enjoy the bands talent.

·      What are the codes and conventions (2-3) of the peticular music genre and how are they followed/adapted/ changed

One convention that I noticed that is linked to this type of music genre is the frequent shots of the band performing, this is commonly seen in rock bands. An example could be near the begging of the video where all the band are playing in a secluded area looking at the camera, this gives the impression that they are performing to the viewers of the video this has been shown through the use of a long shot.

Normally a convention is showing the the bands lifestyle partying and drinking etc, however in this videos it breaks conventions and shows video game instead. This can be seen throughout the video through the use of long shots showing off the video game, this perhaps shows the band in a more child friendly positive light which is used to attract a younger audience.

·      How and why this video appeals to its target audience?

This  videos target audience is a younger generation of 15-25 as this is the age group that mostly play games, because they have used a video game narrative it is relatable to its younger audience. This may also appeal to an older target audeince as they will enjoy seeing the bands talent in their performance.

This is the music video I analysed "Californication” by "The red hot chilly peppers":

By Alexander Flanagan

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a basic analysis of this video, explaining what the purpose and style of it is, as well as identifying some conventions of the genre. You have used micro-elements to support points made, but need to use PEER analysis to support points further.

    You need to:
    1) Use PEER analysis to provide a more in depth recount
    2) Explain WHY/HOW this appeals to the audience and what the purpose of using certain micro-elements etc is
    3) Elaborate on why this would appeal to a particular target audience.
    4) Think carefully about why things are being used
